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Providing Quality Professional Development, Technical Assistance and On-going Support

Behnke Consulting exists to support your school, class, or organization to solve the critical issues facing assistive technology implementation, Accessible educational materials or ways to implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) systemically. We serve organizations throughout the US and abroad. Our customers are both large and small. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organizations facilitate change to successfully include and increase performance/productivity for all.

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AT Applications

Kirk has years of experience in the field of assistive technology. He has provided direct services such as service delivery, implementation, and even fabrication. He developed the "Assistive Technology Applications Certiifcate Program (ATACP)" for California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Lead the Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN) and has been a Education and Learning Strand Advisor for ATIA.

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UDL Professional Development

Kirk was the Director of Professional Learning for CAST and worked with many national leaders for UDL training and the development of the UDL-CCI work (Credentialing and Certification). He has keynoted at various national and international venues on UDL.

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Professional development (PD) should not be a one time event. Good PD should provide a plan of action and implementation for the concepts learned to be implemented with fidelity. Coaching and follow-along should also be a part of the plan. Kirk has provided PD since 1989 on assistive technology applications and disability-related topics such as accessibility, design and trends/applications of technology.

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